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Spanish volunteers at the Escolaridad Solidar in Burma

Posted by on April 10, 2013 in Colaboraciones Recientes, Slider | 0 comments

Spanish volunteers at the Escolaridad Solidar in Burma

Dear friends,

We want to share the great experience and happiness of our two friends in Burma with everyone.

At the beginning of this year, Silvia and Ángel, two volunteers from the Escolaridad Solidaria in La Coruña (Spain), told us that they were interested in going to Burma to learn a bit more about the country and, above all, to volunteer with Escolaridad Solidaria in some of their schools.

We worked together with our local collaborators in Burma and, after a few formalities; Silvia and Ángel arrived in Burma and went to the “Yadanatheingyi gratis School of Nunnery” in Sagaing Mountain Range, Sagaing Division. Although it was a holiday there, a large quantity of children –some of them are orphans- live permanently in this monastery-school.

Silvia and Ángel stayed in the school and lived with the children for 15 days. They taught them English, Spanish and a bit about hygiene and personal care. When they left, they donated money to the school for the education of these children. In Burma, it is very difficult for foreigners to carry out volunteer work but everything is possible with diligence, discretion and good deeds.

They left the school in Sagaing on 8th April and now they are going to emerge themselves in the culture of the country.  Today, they sent us a preview of what they experienced during the period that they stayed at the school. Photographs can be seen below.

They will tell us their wonderful story in more detail when they come back.

Now, we want to share their moments of joy with you through the following pictures.

Escolaridad Solidaria ONG

Carlos Capilla Palmero

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